Thursday, October 20, 2011


somewhere off the oregon coast
some thoughts for the moment.

:: it is easier for skinny people to find things to wear. it just is. this is the point of my pregnancy that I fantasize about real person clothes. and not dressing a series of orbs. (note, not pregnant I am still not thin. but still.)

:: I canceled my next doctors appointment just because I didn't feel like going. I feel empowered. 

:: hubs is super handsome. 

:: I have been hovering between sick and not sick for about three days now. I am convinced the only reason I haven't developed a full blown sinus infection is because of sheer will power and positive thinking. I will not miss my baby shower! 

:: people are very generous. and throw you baby showers even if it is your third baby. and buy your gifts. 

:: I need to be more generous.

:: a skill would be very nice. one that I could use to repay these generous people. maybe I could learn to knit. I love yarn. I want to make this

:: I feel ready to give birth, but very not ready to have a newborn. the first six weeks postpartum kind of terrify me. 

:: I have pregnancy brain. and pregnancy on the brain. I am constantly forgetting things, misspeaking, mixing things up. and my head sounds like this: me me pregnant me me heartburn me baby me hips hurt me nursery me to do list me me back pain me baby pregnant me. 

:: I should really be more generous. and selfless. 

:: little son. he moves so much. it is distracting and yet comforting. we can't wait to meet him. I bet he is deliciously cute. 

:: big bags of halloween candy are awesome. I love variety. 

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